B2B Marketing Trends to Follow in 2024

Shahin Hoda 14  mins read Updated: September 20th, 2024


In B2B marketing, keeping up with the latest trends is no longer optional – it’s a must.

Businesses that adapt quickly to new strategies win, and those that don’t get left behind. As we enter 2024-2025, the B2B marketing landscape is changing fast with technology, changing buyer behaviour, and the demand for personalisation.

To stay ahead, marketers need to understand and leverage these trends.

In this article, we’ll look at the B2B marketing trends shaping the industry in 2024

B2B Marketing Trends in 2024

Trend 1: Personalisation: Tailor Your Strategy for Success

As B2B buyers get smarter, personalised marketing becomes more and more critical.

Instead of broad generic messaging, companies are now using buyer behaviour insights – such as web search patterns, content engagement and online activity – to craft messages and campaigns that feel more relevant.

Highly enriched B2B intent data allows marketers to connect with decision-makers by listening to their needs. This leads to them helping these potential buyers with purchasing decisions.

Personalisation has been ubiquitous in marketing for a long time, but with more behavioural data at their disposal, businesses can segment their audiences more accurately and create emails, case studies, and even product recommendations that speak to individual buyers.

It’s not just about sending the right message; it’s about sending it at the right time and through the right channel. This has become more achievable thanks to AI and automation. What used to require so much manual effort is now scalable for businesses of all sizes. AI-driven platforms allow marketers to analyse data quickly and make real-time changes to marketing campaigns.

Whether through dynamic email content, voice search, customised landing pages or personalised ads, these technologies make it easier to deliver experiences that talk to buyers in a more personal way.

The stats speak for themselves. 88% of marketers have seen positive results from their personalisation efforts; some businesses are seeing a return on investment (ROI) of up to 20:1​. personalisation can add 10-15% to revenue, and companies that are using advanced personalisation are seeing big increases in engagement and customer loyalty.

One company that has mastered personalisation is Adobe. Using its Experience Cloud, Adobe tailors every customer interaction to previous behaviour, preferences, and industry-specific needs. By personalising touchpoints from email marketing campaigns to product recommendations, Adobe has increased engagement and customer retention and proved that when done right, personalisation can deliver real business results.

Trend 2: Generative AI: The new frontier in B2B marketing

In the previous section, we touched on how AI and machine learning are key to enabling personalisation. Now, let’s dive deeper into a more specific and related trend: Generative AI.

With AI advancements, particularly generative models, marketing has entered a new era where content can be created, strategies refined, and customers engaged faster and more effectively.

Generative AI is a subset of the artificial intelligence domain with multiple applications. It can create new content—text, images, video, or even product designs—based on patterns and inputs. This is transforming B2B marketing by allowing companies to deliver super-tuned customer experiences, improve efficiency, and scale their creative processes.

What’s amazing is that while AI was once a tool for the big cats only, generative AI is now available to businesses of all sizes and is democratising advanced marketing techniques.

So, what are marketers using generative AI for?

Content Creation and Ideation

One of the most obvious applications of generative AI is content creation. Marketers can use AI tools to generate blog posts, email drafts, social media updates and even video scripts. These tools save time by automating the early stages of writing and brainstorming. For example, a recent study found that marketers using generative AI save up to 5 hours per week so teams can focus on larger content marketing strategy and optimisation.

Enhanced Customer Segmentation and Personalisation

Generative AI is also being used to refine customer targeting by analysing data in real time. Marketers can use these tools to segment their audience into precise groups so they can personalise their outreach. AI can predict which messaging will work best for different buyer personas and optimise resource allocation and ROI. For example, 41% of CMOs already use generative AI to improve market segmentation.

Campaign Automation

Generative AI is also being used to automate complex marketing campaigns. By analysing past performance, customer feedback and interactions, AI can recommend the best course of action for future campaigns, from content placement to timing. This means marketing teams can launch campaigns faster with AI handling most of the data driven decision making.

A telecommunications company in Europe, for example, saw a 40% increase in response rates by using generative AI to automate and personalise customer messaging across 150 different segments.

Market research and insights

Generative AI can also speed up the time-consuming process of market research. By crawling through huge amounts of data, AI tools can generate insights on industry trends, consumer behaviour, and competitive landscapes in hours, not weeks. This means marketers can adjust their strategy and get ahead of the curve. An Asian beverage company recently used generative AI to reduce its product innovation timeline from months to days by analysing consumer preferences and generating product concepts.

With Generative AI explored, let’s move on to the next major item in the list of B2B marketing trends.

Trend 3: Data-Driven Marketing – Unlocking the Power of Big Data

While personalisation and generative AI are changing how companies interact with customers, data is the foundation that makes a powerful marketing strategy possible. With access to vast amounts of data—from website analytics to customer interactions—marketers can create smarter, more targeted campaigns that deliver better results.

Tools like Google Analytics 4, Power BI and Salesforce Einstein Analytics allow marketers to analyse and visualise data in ways that were impossible a few years ago. These platforms enable businesses to create dashboards that track user behaviour in real-time and optimise campaigns. All of these are critical to any social media marketing campaign.

On the vendor side, companies like ZoomInfo and InfoGlobalData have massive databases that allow businesses to segment and target prospects more precisely. These tools have advanced filtering criteria such as company size, target market potential, revenue and even digital engagement so marketers can build highly targeted lists of leads and create personalised marketing at scale.

Data in Action: Smarter Campaigns and Decisions

Big data and auxiliary systems provide valuable insights at every stage of the marketing funnel.

Analytics tools like Google BigQuery and Azure Synapse allow B2B companies to process huge amounts of data in real time. This means marketers can track how potential and existing customers interact with digital content and adjust their campaigns on the fly to improve engagement and conversion rates.

Beyond that, these tools enable predictive analytics so marketers can better predict buyer needs and prioritise leads. For example, AI-driven tools like Marketo Engage allow businesses to score leads based on behaviour so sales teams can focus on those most likely to convert.

Case study: IBM

IBM has invested heavily in data-driven marketing strategies, using big data to target its campaigns to the right audience segments. By analysing data from multiple touchpoints—social media, web behaviour, and CRM data—IBM can create highly targeted ad campaigns that resonate with key decision-makers in different industries. This data-centric approach has improved its lead generation and overall ROI on marketing efforts.

Trend 4: Evolving from ABM to ABX: AI, Multichannel Strategies, and Personalised Experiences

Account-based Marketing (ABM) has been a powerful tool for B2B marketers for years, but 2024 is seeing it evolve into Account-Based Experience (ABX). This is more than just an evolution of ABM; it’s about delivering a fully integrated customer-centric experience across the entire buyer journey, with AI and multichannel strategies driving this change.

From Account-Based Marketing to Account-Based Experience

The core of ABM – targeting high-value accounts with personalised and focused outreach – remains the same, but ABX takes it further by ensuring every interaction is cohesive, relevant and aligned to the account’s needs at each stage of the sales cycle.

ABX is about treating accounts not just as leads to be nurtured but as long-term partners whose experiences matter across every touchpoint. Today’s B2B buyers want more than just a good product; they want a holistic experience that addresses their unique business challenges.

AI-Driven Precision and Personalisation

One of the key drivers of the shift to ABX is the integration of generative AI and predictive analytics. AI allows marketers to anticipate account needs by analysing data and intent signals so they can personalise and time their outreach.

This precision means marketers can deliver content and messages that resonate with what the account is actively researching or experiencing. AI-powered tools also allow real-time adjustments to campaigns so personalisation can be scaled across multiple high-value accounts.

Multichannel Engagement: Reach Accounts Where They Are

Another key part of this evolution is the adoption of multichannel engagement strategies. Instead of relying on one or two channels (email or direct outreach), ABX means businesses engage accounts across multiple platforms, from LinkedIn to video content, social media and even virtual events. This multichannel approach means messaging is not only consistent but also meets the prospect where they are most active, so they are more likely to engage meaningfully.

Customer Centricity

At its heart, ABX puts more emphasis on customer experience than traditional ABM. Every interaction is designed to add value and build a deeper connection with the account. By aligning marketing, sales, and even customer support, ABX provides a seamless experience across the entire account lifecycle from acquisition to retention and beyond. This is key in today’s B2B world, where customer experience is often as valuable as the product or service.

As businesses adopt ABX, they’re finding that this customer-centric approach, combined with AI and multichannel tactics, leads to stronger relationships, higher engagement, and better long-term results.

Now, let’s move on to the next big trend in B2B marketing in 2024.

Trend 5: The Rise of Short Form Video in B2B Marketing

Video is still at the heart of B2B content marketing, but the landscape is shifting towards short-form content. In 2024, platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels are becoming more influential in how B2B brands engage with their audience. While longer formats like webinars and in-depth explainer videos still have their place, short-form content is proving to be the most effective for grabbing attention quickly and conveying key messages in seconds.

Why Short Form Video Matters in B2B?

The changing demographics of B2B decision makers—more millennials and Gen Z—are driving this trend. These audiences prefer concise content and often use social media platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube and even TikTok for professional insights and recommendations.

Short form videos (under 60 seconds) are perfect for grabbing attention in a busy digital world, delivering bite sized but impactful messages that can be consumed on the go.

LinkedIn Shorts and YouTube Shorts for B2B

LinkedIn has gone short-form with its LinkedIn Shorts, a feature for quick, professional interactions. These videos are under 60 seconds and optimised for vertical viewing, grabbing attention as users scroll through their feeds. YouTube Shorts allows B2B brands to create bite-sized chunks of content that can drive awareness or highlight a product or service​.

Both platforms support auto-play videos, which increases the chances of users engaging with the brand’s content without having to click. For B2B marketers, this means they can showcase thought leadership, industry insights, or product demos in a format that matches how people consume content.

Short and Long Form Content

While short-form video is on the rise, it doesn’t mean longer-form content like webinars and case studies are dead. Many B2B brands are finding success by using short-form videos as a teaser for longer content, driving viewers to more in-depth resources. For example, a 30-second YouTube Short could introduce a new product and ask viewers to sign up for a full demo or webinar.

In this digital landscape, B2B marketers can meet their audience at every stage of the buyer’s journey with short—and long-form video content. Short-form videos hook potential buyers, and longer-form content nurtures and converts them.

Let’s move on to the next trend in B2B marketing in 2024.

Trend 6: B2B Influencer Marketing: Moving to Podcasts and Community-Driven Engagement

As B2B marketing evolves, influencer marketing is shifting to the podcast marketing channels and community driven platforms.

Traditionally, influencer marketing was more B2C, but today, B2B brands are embracing it as a core strategy—particularly through trusted industry voices within niche communities and the growing world of podcasts. Some B2B influencers may have a stronger social media presence than an average B2C influencer.

Community Led Influencer Marketing

One of the biggest changes is the rise of community-driven influencers. These are people with deep credibility in their industry, often embedded within LinkedIn Groups, Slack communities or niche forums where B2B decision-makers engage with peers. The influencers here aren’t about mass appeal; they’re about niche expertise.

This authenticity makes their recommendations more powerful than marketing. B2B buyers are looking for trusted real voices, and these influencers with smaller but highly engaged followings are filling that gap.

Companies are working with these experts to engage with potential clients through community discussions, thought leadership posts and educational content. This isn’t about a big, flashy campaign; it’s about authentic, ongoing conversations that build credibility over time.

Podcasts are Centre Stage

At the same time, podcasting has become a key channel through which B2B brands can connect with their audience. Podcasts offer space for brands to go deep into industry trends, case studies or expert interviews and provide real value to listeners. In fact, more than 85% of B2B marketers have already included podcasts in their content strategies, recognising them as a direct way to showcase expertise and build rapport with potential clients.​

What makes podcasts so powerful is the long-form content format, which allows for more in-depth conversations than short social media channels or posts. This is perfect for B2B, where complex topics can be unravelled over time, and listeners can get valuable insights. Brands are increasingly working with industry leaders or hosting their own shows to reach high-value audiences in a more personal way.

Why it Matters

The shift to community-led influencer marketing and podcasting is part of a bigger trend in B2B: the desire for authenticity and value-driven content. Today’s B2B buyers don’t want to be sold to; they want insights, stories, and valuable information from trusted sources. By working with influencers embedded in professional communities and using podcasts to deliver value, brands can build real relationships with their target audience.

This trend is changing how B2B companies approach influencer marketing. They are moving away from big, flashy sponsorships and towards organic, real relationships. Podcasts and community platforms are the space where these relationships can happen, so they’re essential tools in the modern B2B marketing toolkit.

Trend 7: AR, VR and Apple’s Spatial Computing in B2B Marketing

We’ve reached the end of our B2B marketing trends for 2024. We have one more to go, and that’s the most exciting one—spatial computing driven by Apple’s Vision Pro. While AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) have already been used in B2B as a cool marketing technology, the introduction of spatial computing is opening up new ways for businesses to interact with their clients and internal teams.

What is Spatial Computing, and How is it Different?

Spatial computing, introduced with Apple’s Vision Pro, combines the digital and physical worlds to offer a more immersive way to interact with 3D content. Vision Pro’s visionOS allows users to control and engage with digital elements with their hands, eyes, and voice to create a new level of user experience.

Unlike traditional AR/VR tools, users can stay in their physical environment while seamlessly accessing digital content–an innovation with big potential for B2B applications like collaborative workspaces and virtual product demonstrations.

B2B Applications

The full impact of spatial computing on B2B marketing hasn’t been realised yet, but there are already areas where it can make a difference:

Product Demonstrations and Virtual Showrooms

Imagine being able to offer clients an immersive, hands-on experience with a product before it’s even built. Industries like manufacturing and engineering, where complex, high-value products are sold, can benefit big time by allowing potential customers and buyers to walk through virtual models and interact with components in real-time.

Companies like Microsoft have already been doing virtual demos before Apple entered this space, but the chances of this technology being adopted more have gone up.

3D Collaboration and Remote Workspaces

For industries that rely on collaboration, like architecture and design, spatial computing could change how teams work together. Instead of being limited to flat screens, remote teams could collaborate in a shared 3D space and visualise designs, workflows or layouts.

The Jury is Still Out

However, while the possibilities are exciting, the cost of Apple’s Vision Pro and the newness of the technology mean its widespread adoption in B2B is still TBD. Early adopters are testing the technology, but it may take a few more years for spatial computing to become mainstream in B2B marketing and operations.

Forward thinking businesses in industries like construction, manufacturing and healthcare are already testing how these tools can create more interactive and engaging experiences for clients and employees.

As spatial computing evolves, it will change how businesses present their products, collaborate internally, engage with customers, and open up new opportunities in B2B marketing.

B2B Marketing Strategies for 2024

To show how these trends can be applied with concrete strategies, let’s use a hypothetical B2B company as an example and break down the steps into actionable tasks that align with the marketing shifts we’ve discussed. For more on these strategies, check out our full guide on B2B Marketing Strategies.

Example: TechInnovate’s B2B Strategy Implementation

TechInnovate is a SaaS company that provides cloud-based supply chain management solutions to manufacturing companies. With increasing competition TechInnovate wants to refresh their 2024 marketing strategy by adopting the latest trends like personalisation, AI-driven content, influencer marketing and video content.

Here’s a concrete step by step breakdown of how TechInnovate can implement these strategies.

Launch a Thought Leadership Podcast Series

Trend Alignment: Video Content & Podcasts

What Did They Do?

TechInnovate launched a monthly podcast series called “The Future of Supply Chain” where industry experts, TechInnovate’s executives and happy clients discuss trends, innovations and the future of supply chain management. Each episode is 30 minutes long and features actionable tips on how supply chain leaders can streamline their operations with cloud solutions.

How It Got Executed?
  • The podcast is published on LinkedIn, Spotify and YouTube with promotional short clips on LinkedIn Shorts and YouTube Shorts to drive views.
  • Episodes are case studies e.g. “How Company X reduced inventory costs by 20% with TechInnovate” featuring concrete proof of the platform’s value.
  • These short clips link to longer webinar invites or the full podcast episode to create a funnel from interest to deep engagement.
Why Did It Work?

Podcasting allows for in-depth conversations and short-form video content drives social engagement. This combination creates a content loop that attracts new leads and nurtures existing ones.

AI-Powered Personalisation for Lead Nurturing

Trend Alignment: Generative AI & Personalisation

What Did They Do?

TechInnovate is using AI personalisation across their website and email campaigns. When a procurement manager visits TechInnovate’s site, AI detects that this visitor is likely from a retail company based on their browsing history.

How It Got Executed?

AI serves dynamic content to this visitor: case studies on how TechInnovate helped retailers optimise procurement, success stories from the retail sector and a personalised product demo offer.

When this visitor leaves the website TechInnovate’s AI-driven email system will send a personalised follow-up email the next day with a 30-minute demo specific to their industry.

Why Did It Work?

The prospect gets personalised content and outreach based on their industry and behaviour rather than a generic message, conversion rates improve. AI saves the marketing team time and ensures the message is always relevant.

Build Influence via Communities (Slack, Reddit, LinkedIn and More)

Trend Alignment: B2B Influencer Marketing via Communities

What Did They Do?

TechInnovate partners with supply chain experts and consultants who are already part of LinkedIn Groups focused on supply chain innovation.

How It Got Executed?

These influencers are given early access to TechInnovate’s new features and tools so they can create authentic LinkedIn posts and thought leadership articles about their experience with the product.

In one campaign a consultant with over 30,000 followers hosted a live Q&A session where they answered questions about supply chain automation and naturally integrated TechInnovate’s software into the discussion.

Why Did It Work?

By partnering with influencers who are already trusted in the supply chain community TechInnovate builds credibility. Their participation in LinkedIn communities allows them to connect with key decision makers in an organic way and reinforce the brand’s values and authority.

Multichannel Engagement to Nurture Leads

Trend Alignment: Multichannel & Customer Experience (CX)

What Did They Do?

TechInnovate is using a multichannel approach to ensure consistent messaging across email, LinkedIn, and paid social media ads, including Google ads.

How It Got Executed?

TechInnovate ran a LinkedIn ad campaign featuring customer testimonials in short-form video format, highlighting ROI from their SaaS solutions.

The company then follows up with a personalised email campaign to prospects who click on the ad, offering them exclusive access to a live product demo or on-demand webinar.

Why Did It Work?

This multichannel approach allows TechInnovate to engage with prospects across multiple platforms and guide them through the sales funnel. From the initial ad interaction to deeper engagement through email the experience is seamless for the prospect.

By using these specific strategies—podcasting, AI-driven personalisation, influencer partnerships and multichannel engagement—TechInnovate can stay ahead of the game and capitalise on 2024 B2B marketing trends.


In summary, B2B marketing is changing fast; AI-driven personalisation, short-form video content and community-led influencer marketing are the new emerging trends. By using these in your marketing strategies, along with multichannel approaches and thought leadership through podcasts, businesses can stay ahead and connect with their audience in a real and meaningful way.

Ready to get started with a tailored approach and stay on top of these trends?

xGrowth can help. We are a B2B tech marketing agency that has helped brands with creating and executing complex ABM campaigns and B2B Go-to-Market Strategy.

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